Monthly Archives: August 2024

Approaching Poverty Devotional: 3 Important Insights You’ll Learn

Poverty devotional How to help people in poverty why we should help people in poverty

Poverty is a shared aspect of the human experience, touching each of us differently. Whether you’ve witnessed or experienced poverty or not, our aim for our Approaching Poverty devotional is to encourage a compassionate and Biblical perspective on poverty. This 7-day devotional will walk you through an understanding of why poverty exists, why we should […]

Block by block: Walls go up on the new WAVS training center

After pouring more than 10,000 cubic feet of reinforced concrete, the foundation is done! Now it’s time to call in the block masons. For the last several months, our contractor has been excavating, constructing concrete footings and foundation beams, laying down pipes and electrical installations, and pouring slab. Now, the new training center is finally […]